sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

My30dayworld: day 10 to 12

City in Shadows

The most feared faction in the city of shadows

The cult to the others and their different sects. They are actually looking for ways to open the gates to call for the others into our dimension. Not even the most vile of the vampires, or the most savage of the Fae can be considered as dangerous or vile as they. Often many other races join the cult being promised a part of the world after the others are done with it. This creatures who dare to betray their races and join the evil wizards that venture to the void are considered pariahs among their kin. There are different sects dedicated to different "Gods of the void"; an advantage we apparently have due to some info the council obtain via very dubious methods is that the others are not a solid army. 

Cultist may come from various origins but most of their ranks are full of gifted which power are fading or feel their deserve better. This practitioners learn how to use the void to potentiate their powers; but the catch in the deal is that each time they use they became part of the void. Only those birth with the gift to use the void can harness its power without disappearing over time. Each wizard that becomes part of the void came back as one of the lesser Others. Either way there's no more repudiated faction that The Cult to the Others.

Who opposes evil and injustice in the world?

There are many who opposes evil in their own ways. I'm going to mention a few, because naming them all it's a task only a few dare to attempt. Many of those groups work in the shadows and don't want to be brought to light, feel free to look for them but do it at your own risk.

The Council of the Six: Formed by representative of the six factions, these are the most powerful of them all, the elite. They are the ones in charge of keeping peace among all the races and make sure each race got their chance to be. They also are the ones that command the Executioners which pass sentence to those who decide to go rogue and disobey the council. there is one executioner from each faction. The council of the six is also the most respected organization due to their participation in the first Incursion and their role in sealing away the Others

The Executioners: This elite formed by only six members are the most feared force among all the factions. Their positions can only be taken in two ways. Either the previous Executioner died which is a frightening thought or a more promising one win the title from the previous one. Each one bears a sword that is designed to kill nullify the power of their respective race when they are in the presence of it. This is what make them so dangerous they are strong enough to bear the sword and not loosing their powers and they can nullify their targets to properly sentence them to death.

Hunters: There is no other way to call this mundanes that make sure their kind is not the prey of supernatural forces. They hunt the night horrors. Vampires, Werewolves, Wizards, etc... they make sure their attacks on the mundanes are keep to the minimum. Despite the efforts of all the other races to deal with the problem of the hunters the response is always the same. They are under the care of the wizards, and so they will continue to be. They are troublesome to many of the supernatural due to their adaptability and resources. well organized cells and teams equipped to deal with their targets in the proper way.

Those who saw the void: At last but not least these is more a category than a proper group or organization. Those who have seen the void can come from any faction. These people are those who either by vision or an unlucky encounter with a rift have seen what lay in the other side waiting and decided to stop it from happening at any cost. They tend to operate out of the jurisdiction of the Council or the factions. They are individuals who risk their very existence to protect those who they hold dear and this world in which they live.

What iconic monster exist in your world?

Besides all the common bestiary of the city of shadows, that contains shapeshifter (Skin Changers), Vampires, Fae kin and so on. One of the most iconic and real monsters any inhabitant of the City in Shadows can find are the Avatars

Avatars: An Avatar is what happens when a part of one the others Possess the body of one strong Gifted. Each time this happen the one possessed by this entity doesn't realize it in the beginning. Their powers start to grow, their mind begins to shatter and their bodies transform into one that resembles the appearance of the Other that is possessing it. This become incredibly hideous beings and their powers can make even a high practitioner tremble in fear. When an Avatar is detected, all six Executioners are sent to deal with it. If a full transformation is allowed the Avatar can tear a rift between or realm and the void thus allowing the Others into our reality. Such thing must not be allowed by any mean. There's a silent agreement among the races if one of their kin is become such monstrosity they must either destroy it or call the council for the Executioners to be dispatch to deal with the threat. 

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2018

my30dayworld: Day 9

The Cosmology of my World

The different gods exist together in the world. Many wizards claim to be under the protection of some of the major deities in existence. Most of them lies; but wizard duels tend to be long and exhausting so many just don't bother to refuse such claims. Skin changers claim to be the sons and daughters of mother earth, father sun and brother sky. Vampires claim to descent from the first sinner and some from an ancient blood god which name has been lost to history and that's something considering some vampires are hundreds of years old. there are four major planes of existence if they could be called that way. The Material realm or where most of us exist.. Hell where all the demons have been cast out by God. Paradise where all the angels roam. The Fae lands that contrast ours, they are like the blue print of what our world should have been or maybe was. there the courts of fairies have their domain. The last realm if it can be called that way is the void, is the space between spaces; in between time, reality and existence it exists. The Others exist there and from time to time they reach into the world of mundanes and thus rifts among the four realms occurs.

martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

my30dayWorld: Day 8

What's the world biggest secret

       The number of gifted people is decreasing at an alarming rate, there are just a handful of talented people newly born. The veil in between the realms of the Fae and the Human world are thickening. The magick that flows through the world is being drained by the same users that cherish their power. Angels and Demons are less common because their realms are also being locked out from our realm. True Faith began to falter as the words can't reach their Lords. The first incursion of the others left a great scar that was mended by the original council. The result was that the amount of magic that flowed into our reality was diminished and eventually will cease to flow. That's why the world of the mundane flourished while the world of the wizards started to fade. Each time one of the Others breach through the rifts into our world it brings along great amounts of Magickal energy with it. Many have been helping the others through history to gain power in order for them to recover what they have lost and will keep loosing. In other cases new gifted have been born with the talent to reach the void essence through their bodies. These individuals can be tainted easier than normal wizards but also foster greater power against the others cause they feed from the same energy as them.

      A war is been fought behind the curtains. The affairs between wizards, mundanes, demons, angels and all the races are but part of a larger game. There are only two sides in this war. The others and us, the ones that must stop them at any cost or risk being devoured by their corrupting presence. 

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018

my30dayworld: Day 1 to 7

The World: City in Shadows

30 second elevator pitch

  • The City in Shadows is an urban fantasy setting were you play the common man, the wizard, or even the usual suspect monster (vampire, werewolf, alchemycal creation, etc...) in a world that is in constant peril of being consumed by The Others, lovecraftian monstrosities that want to invade our world. Such monstrosities came from the outsides of our reality something that wizard and inhuman alike call The Void from where most of the wizards call upon their magick due to this the use of magick its tricky. You may become possessed by them or invite them in without knowing. 

Which is the name of your world and why?

  • What is the name of your world? City in shadows
  • Why is called this? It's called City in Shadows, because the dark tone of mysticism and reality bending that surrounds the characters. The city by itself its a major protagonist in setting. The city where the players delve its as alive as them. Cities are made of moments and memories and stories and all those fractions give the cities a personality that determines how well or how bad it reacts to the presence of the void in it. Also it is called City in Shadows because all the shadow work the players must do in order for the mundane not to notice in order for The Void not to leak into the world without any major power organization noticing it.

Who is the most nefarious villain?

  • Who is the most nefarious villain? The Others 
  • They are the most nefarious villains in this world. They are the outsider gods of another dimension, from another realities. They are many or maybe just one with many faces. nobody within the world know it to a certain degree, and those who ventured to know end up dead or insane. Vampires may have their power plays, Werewolf may hunt those who harm their forest and their territories, Frankenstein-like creation may roam the land searching for their unholy creators in search of revenge and yet neither of them present such corruption for the land or the living as The Others.

Who is the most renown hero?

  • Currently the most renowned heroes are the Council of the Six they are the mediators between all the distinct factions that exist in the world. Wizards, Faes, Angels, Demons, Vampires, and Skin changers, the first ones of each group that pushed out The Others when they first tried to invade our reality. From such groups a long legacy of notable character for good or bad have been spawned, and some still roam the lands.

Which event in your world altered its History?

  • The first incursion: The six major forces within the world always have been in the world one way or another. The balance have always been defined mostly by the number of each one at the time. being mere mortals the most prevalent number at any time; but during times of the first great wars something happened. While mundanes fight among each other in their common power struggle such amounts of negative energy open a rift that lead The Others to our reality. Two wars were fought at the same time. One of mundane against mundane, and the other involve the major players against the enemies. There were many casualties for everyone except the enemies. There is record of just one of the entities killed in all the records of The Council. This event change the way all the races view the world and the reality, they realize that even whit their petty struggles something far hideous existed out there and it was ready to hunt them and prey on them if they give them the chance. As a result of such event The Council of Six was created.

How prevalent is magick in your world and from where it comes from?

  • Magick in City of Shadows: The magick in the world is prevalent although not everyone use them. Many of the mundane forgot their ability to use the power of the universe through their bodies. The powers of magick can be used by many if not all people in great or less manner. Natural talents can employ magick freely and when appropriately trained they gained their title of Wizard. A mundane using the correct spell book and magic words can work minor works, such people are called sorcerers among the natural talents. As mundanes forgot how to employ and use magick a veil descended upon the world thus protecting them from the influence of magick and sheltering them in a small way from them. Mundanes and their skepticism keep them safe, but also vulnerable to the forces of the world of shadows that exist outside their comfort zone.

How common are Adventures and Heroes in your world?

  • Heroes are as common as they should be and adventures are out there for those who are willing to go looking for them. The world of City in Shadows is a reflection of our world with a somber tone in which the doom of the world is out there waiting to crawl in at any moment. A group of friends going camping ending up trapped in the middle of some ancient ritual. A group of college girls that summons a demon empress without noticing at first glance. The frightened housewife whom inherited an old manor from her long forgotten relative and it happens to be haunted by ghost and demons. The adventures in the city of shadows are out there waiting for people brave enough or unlucky enough to jump into them.